Mediabuy的高级玩法:暴利Offer 以及黑五类第二期培训

关于这个培训的介绍可以查看:Lifetime Commission 暴利Offer 投放培训,Mediabuy的高级玩法


这类Offer Media buy的技巧和建议

 Work hard on creatives.


One of the ways to be ahead of the curve is using spy tools. This approach will reflect the latest trends and what imagery works well (by the way, images of belly fat and baggy stomachs are still effective). However, make sure your creatives comply with our guidelines.


 Create pre-landers and landing pages.


They must contain real-life stories of people who managed to lose weight/gain weight/regain hearing or other. Writing advertorials is an art, and the copies must be written professionally.


Invest wisely


We recommend setting up CPC higher than average in order to achieve desirable views in the first place. When your creatives are ready, they are submitted and assigned a rate, and, then, your teasers will be placed on publisher websites according to this rate. Your CTR influences your auction position — the higher it is, the better.


Types of Nutra offers


Direct Sales (DS) — A product is sold by the advertiser directly to an end consumer right away.

直销(Direct Sales ):用户直接购买产生转换的产品。

Cash On Delivery (COD) — A customer makes an order and leaves his contact details. A call center manager contacts the customer to confirm the order. After confirmation, a customer receives the product and makes a payment.

货到付款(Cash On Delivery):用户在网站上下单并且填上联系信息,客服中心就会打电话给用户确认订单。当确认完毕,用户会收到货物,然后付款。



A customer provides his contact details on the advertiser's landing page: his address for the delivery and credit card information. After approval, a customer receives a free product sample. If a client does not cancel his subscription, the product is sent and full payment is charged to the credit card provided.


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Mediabuy的高级玩法:暴利Offer 以及黑五类第二期培训插图


静水流深,搞国外网赚的朋友应该都知道他,他属于大神级高手,10年前就实现财务自由,移民到了加拿大。 在2006年初,王通看到了他亲自翻译的那本《Google Cash》电子书,受其思路启发,花了半小时做了一个超级简单的网页,就实现了每月自动进账几万美元。 来自A5站长网 2021年6月28日,买方武汉掌媒科技有限公司与卖方北京东润互动科技有限公司(为公司间接全资附属公司)订立股权转让协议,据此,卖方同意出售而买方同意收购目标公司深圳译道网络有限公司35%股权,代价总额为人民币2740万元。 新浪财经原文

